A Very Warm Welcome to Allanson Street Primary School
We belong, believe, aspire and achieve.

We hope that you enjoy finding out more about our school on our website and what we offer to our children and families.
Allanson Street Primary is a two form entry school with an intake of up to sixty children each September. We have a sixty place Nursery which offers morning or afternoon sessions for children following the term that they are three years of age. Our nursery also offers wrap-around provision between 8am and 5.30pm.
I am absolutely delighted to welcome you to our school website. Allanson Street Primary School is an incredibly special place and I hope that by spending some time perusing our pages you’ll be able to gain a sense of that for yourself. However, our website is only an introduction to the work that we do. I highly recommend that you pay us a visit to sample the wonderful, warm atmosphere around the school and to see the opportunities on offer that make Allanson Street Primary School one of a kind.
At Allanson Street, every member of our school family strives to ‘Be The Best That We Can Be’. We encourage our children to ‘Dream Big, Work Hard and Never Give Up, supporting them every step of the way to ensure they have the best possible chance to live long, happy, fulfilling lives doing a job that they love surrounded by friends and family that adore them.
In order for each child to achieve this goal, regardless of their starting points or the obstacles they may encounter along the way, staff work incredibly hard to ensure that they are given every opportunity to reach their potential and beyond. We actively search out best practice and utilise this information to help us provide the highest standards of teaching and learning and implement a curriculum that is tailored to the needs of our children. We provide engaging, exciting learning opportunities to help our children to develop a sound set of values, a deep knowledge base, a real love of learning and a strong awareness of their own abilities and self-worth.
At Allanson Street Primary School, we firmly believe that learning doesn’t end at 3.15pm, nor is it confined within the classroom. As such, we provide opportunities for children to learn a range of musical instruments, to learn Spanish, to perform in a number of school productions, to work with many different artists, musicians and theatre groups, to undertake a fully funded ‘cultural trip’ each year and even to visit Paris at the end of Year 6.
Confident in the knowledge that our children will, one day, make a hugely positive contribution to the world, we place a heavy emphasis on teaching them the importance of being good citizens. We do this by celebrating diversity and introducing them to global issues. We also provide opportunities for all of our children to carry out community improvement work, invite our local community into school for special events and strike up friendships with other local schools, care homes and community groups.
Most importantly, we truly value the role that our parents / carers play in their child’s education. As a child’s most influential teacher, their role model and, without a doubt, the most important person in their life, our parents / carers are crucial in ensuring that our children reach their potential. Therefore, we are very proud of the close relationships we form with our parents / carers which we achieve through an open-door policy, daily communication via our Class Dojo page and a wealth of planned parental engagement activities.
If, after exploring our website, you’d like further information about our wonderful school, please feel free to contact the school office on 01744 678144 or via email at [email protected].
Take care,
Mrs L Dingsdale