All our children are treated as individuals and any additional educational provision that might be required is made on an individual basis using the resources of the school in the first instance.
When extra help and advice is needed school will contact the relevant special education services after consultation with the parents e.g. Educational Psychology Service, Speech and Language Therapy department, OT, Physiotherapy, Community Paediatric Team, Visual/ Hearing Impairment Team, Child Mental Health Services.
The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice is followed to help school identify the needs of a pupil and cater for a pupil’s needs. A differentiated approach towards teaching and learning takes place in all classrooms. Pupils are taught in class groups, guided groups and engage with staff on an individual basis.
The school has a teacher responsible for additional needs co-ordination throughout the school. There is also a nominated governor with responsibility for additional educational needs.
Click here to read our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Local Offer.