
Fraud alert – Adventure for Alex

There have been reports of people in the local area door knocking and raising funds for Alex and quoting our school name. The school and Alex’s Heroic Battle are NOT part of this activity.  Please do not donate as this could  potentially be fraud and has been reported to the police.   If you are approached please ring the police on 101 and quote the log number ‘966’ and the date 2nd March.

All fundraising events is happening within school only. If you are not a parent/carer and would like to make a donation please visit our just giving page:

Allanson Street Primary School
Gaskell Street, Parr, St Helens, Merseyside WA9 1PL
Monday to Friday
8:45am – 3:15pm

This equates to 32.5 hours, Monday to Friday, term time only.
(Please see our term times for further details)