
St. Peter’s Church Visit

On Wednesday 12th February, we visited the newly renovated St. Peter’s Church in Parr. We had a fantastic time learning all about the church and Reverend Pauline made us feel so welcome!

We also took part in exploring the graveyard. We were particularly intrigued with the different war veterans gravestones and how their sacrifices contributed to the lives we live today. This made us very proud of our local area.

Year 5’s aim is to create strong links with the local community. We were saddened to see how much litter had been dumped in the graveyard, which has also had lots of work done to help restore it. We took our litter pickers and bin bags to help tidy the graveyard up, in respect to the people and our local community, in which it means so much too .

We are looking forward to visiting  again in the near future to see how our bulbs have grown at the entrance to the church, as well as lending a helping hand to wherever is needed!

Allanson Street Primary School
Gaskell Street, Parr, St Helens, Merseyside WA9 1PL
Monday to Friday
8:45am – 3:15pm

This equates to 32.5 hours, Monday to Friday, term time only.
(Please see our term times for further details)