
Handy Guides – Covid

Hi Everyone,

As much of the guidance currently being circulated is quite difficult to understand, I thought I’d share a couple of handy guides that I’ve come across which will hopefully help you to decide whether it is essential to keep your child off school. It goes without saying that if you think your child, or someone in your household, could have Covid-19 then please start to self-isolate and get a test booked for the person with symptoms.
However, if your child does not have a new, persistent cough OR a temperature OR a change in taste / smell AND feels well enough to attend school, please send them into school. Our children have missed a huge part of their education already and we really need them in school now so that we can help them to enjoy school again and reach their full potential.

Take care,

Mrs Dingsdale

Allanson Street Primary School
Gaskell Street, Parr, St Helens, Merseyside WA9 1PL
Monday to Friday
8:45am – 3:15pm

This equates to 32.5 hours, Monday to Friday, term time only.
(Please see our term times for further details)