Update – Lockdown
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-maintaining-educational-provision/guidance-for-schools-colleges-and-local-authorities-on-maintaining-educational-provisionIf you are a critical worker and have not already contacted me, please do this as soon as possible via a direct message. Please bear in mind that this lockdown is about keeping everyone safe. Therefore, if your place of work is going to be closed down or there is going to be someone at home to look after your child, please do not seek to send them to school.
If you are a critical worker, your place of business still needs you to work during this lockdown and you have no one else at home to look after your child, please get in touch with me via direct message as soon as possible. If you have already messaged me regarding your critical worker status, please can you send me another message just to confirm that you still require a place, bearing in mind the 3 conditions I have just set out above.
With regards to our vulnerable children, Mrs Range will be in touch with the parents of these children before the close of this evening. If you haven’t heard from Mrs Range by tomorrow morning but consider that your child is ‘vulnerable’, please contact her by direct Dojo message.
I will write another post shortly to outline arrangements for those children who will be attending tomorrow. Class teachers will be in touch with all other children tomorrow to begin their remote learning provision.
I’m sure many of you will have questions and as such, once again, I have to ask for your patience and understanding. I will ensure that I answer as many messages as I possibly can tonight but must prioritise messages regarding the children of critical workers.
Take care, stay safe,
Mrs Dingsdale