We aim to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written word and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment.
Speaking and listening skills are developed through a range of activities such as poetry, discussion and drama. We encourage the children to become confident, fluent speakers and attentive listeners.
Reading is taught through a wide range of activities, including the use of a structured reading scheme. Great emphasis is placed on phonic work and other word building skills. From Early Years, teachers use the Read Write Inc. programme to deliver the lively and vigorous teaching of synthetic phonics. This programme is further used to develop reading, writing and spelling skills.
Guided reading is delivered throughout school using a range of reading material including Rigby Star and Ribgy Navigator. Key Stage 2 children select personal reading material from a coloured ‘book band’ which includes books from Ginn, Oxford Reading Tree, Tree Tops and Project X. Parents and carers are encouraged to take an active part in developing their child’s reading through regularly listening to them read at home.
When the pupils have progressed through the Read, Write Inc programme they move onto the Language and Literacy programme. This programme is aligned to the new National Curriculum in a fun and meaningful way. The programme aims to give every child a deep understanding of what they read using the special ‘three reads’ approach. It prepares every child for writing using a planning, drafting and revising method. It teaches grammar in context so that children can apply it seamlessly in their own writing. Furthermore, the programme creates articulate speakers who justify their answers and learn how to debate.
Staff use a number of imaginative and innovative ways of integrating and supporting reading and writing across the wider curriculum including drama activities, teacher in role, role play, visits and use of ICT resources.
We follow the National Curriculum programmes of study ensuring progression in knowledge, skills and understanding.
We aim to develop knowledge, skills and understanding that will support each pupil on a lifelong learning journey.