Subject leader: Mrs McLoughlin
“To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world.” – Chinese proverb
At Allanson Street Primary School, we believe that teaching and learning in Modern Foreign Languages is important because it inspires our children to broaden their horizons and learn more about the world around them.
It is our hope that learning a new language will encourage the children to aspire to travel and explore the world. We want our children to be ambitious enough to compete in a competitive workforce market through, in time, developing the fluency to communicate and interact with people from a diverse range of communities and backgrounds.
What will our children learn and why?
At Allanson Street Primary School, we aim to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum for MFL by providing an engaging, sequential curriculum which ensures that the key building blocks for operating in a foreign language are embedded. By the time that our children move onto secondary school, they should feel confident in basic Spanish speaking and listening.
Our MFL curriculum provides the children with the opportunity to engage with the key MFL skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing. The progression of our curriculum ensures the children revisit their previous learning in each year group before developing new knowledge and skills. Children are encouraged to converse using key words/phrases and ask/answer questions in Spanish.
How will we ensure our children leave us equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to flourish in the next stage of their learning journey and beyond?
Our MFL curriculum has been mapped from Y3 to Y6 to ensure it allows for spaced, regular practise and is as broad, balanced and progressive as possible.
In KS2, Spanish is taught in line with the National Curriculum as an independent subject in short, weekly lessons, across every half term. Each MFL lesson is delivered using the same blueprint of ‘Prior Learning’, ‘New Learning’ and ‘Reflection’. Lessons are organised in this way so that children continuously build on and revisit knowledge ensuring that it is remembered and stored in their long-term memory.
How will our MFL curriculum make a difference for our children?
By learning the following key knowledge:
· Be able to count to 50 and beyond in Spanish
· Be able to ask and answer basic questions in Spanish regarding their families/homes, the weather, food, clothes and school.
· Be able to read and understand some basic Spanish words and phrases.
We aspire for our children to:
· Develop their knowledge of Spanish, increasing their fluency as they move through KS2. This will enable our children to meet the key National Curriculum requirements thus preparing them to become more confident, competent linguists in secondary education.
· Develop an appreciation for other cultures and a desire to explore the world.
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